Current Events in Macroeconomics

Topic: Current Events in Macroeconomics – GDP and CPI
Macroeconomics is much more than just what is read in a textbook. It is what happens every day, the sum total of everything, that affects the well-being of all, and of everyone throughout the country and the world.
Choose any podcast related to macroeconomics, then choose a specific current episode of that podcast. Your reference will be the name of, and link to, your chosen podcast.
As you listen to your chosen podcast, pay particular attention to any discussion relating to GDP, or CPI, or other macroeconomic measurements. After listening to the podcast, answer the following questions:

What important new things did you learn?
How did this new knowledge relate to macroeconomic measures, such as GDP, or CPI, or other macroeconomic measurements, that are being explored in this unit, and how does it impact the entire economy?
What action, if any, do you think the government, or society, should take as a result of what you have learned?

Examples of acceptable economic oriented podcasts include:

NPR’s Marketplace series (some daily and some weekly);
NPR’s Planet Money;
Weekly Economics Podcast;
Bloomberg’s Stephanomics; and,
The New Foundation’s Weekly Economics, to name just a few.


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