For the purposes of the presentation, you will act as though you work for the IT department of your company. As a member of the IT department, you are working with the Finance department to help aid them in selecting and evaluating the software for that given area of the business. Consider topics and discussions from the chapters.
Chapters: business intelligence systems, information technology, hardware, software, mobile systems, database processing, the cloud, collaboration information system (IS), IS security, IS management, IS development
Topic E: Finance – Budgeting and Forecasting Software
You work for a tier 2 automotive supplier. (Feel free to come up with a name for the company.) The company manufactures their own auto components (in other words parts that go into a vehicle such as seats, windshield wipers, etc.) and sells them to automotive manufacturers globally. Their current budgeting and forecasting system isn’t working for them. The Finance department is looking for a system that will integrate and import data from other systems within the company so they can generate reports. They need a system to do consolidation/roll-up, forecasting, general ledger, and income & balance sheet functions. They are not sure if they want IT to manage it themselves or host it “in the cloud.” The CEO would like to have access to a dashboard with this information.
As a member of the IT organization, it is your job to help evaluate potential new software. In your presentation, you should consider the requirements (described above). Discuss the various aspects the company would need to consider when assessing the software for use in the organization. Your job is to decide what criteria will be used to evaluate and select a software solution. Your presentation should mainly focus on the criteria and less on the software programs. In your presentation, be sure to explain why that criteria are important. (For example: if I feel that security is an important feature, I should discuss why security is important for this department given its stated requirements.) At the end of your presentation, you should list two software programs that are potential candidates for further evaluation using your criteria. You only need to list them and describe three main features for each.
Overview of company & Issues
Type of recommended system and overview
Breakdown on how system meets requirements
Additional recommendation….security, interfacing, integration, in-house or cloud support, etc
References / Sources (no formal citation is needed – title and link are fine)