Ageing Support
Implement interventions with older people at risk
Part 2: Implementation of risk minimisation strategies
Watch the video clip below and undertake the tasks that follow:
Choose one client from the clip then fill in the following table to provide examples of how you assisted in the implementation of risk minimisation strategies.
Answer the following questions
What were the risk minimisation strategies identified for these clients? Explain each strategy including how each would address specific client requirements.
Describe how safety and the client’s comfort was looked after when implementing the strategies
How would you involve the carer/family member in the implementation of the strategies?
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Part 3: Monitoring risk minimisation strategies
Fill in the following table to provide examples of how you assisted in the monitoring of risk minimisation strategies.
Answer the following questions
How were the risk minimisation strategies monitored?
Were there any unexpected or increased risks noted during the monitoring of the strategies? How were these dealt with?
Were there any strategies that didn’t seem to be having the desired effect? What were the reasons for this?
What were the outcomes of the risk minimisation strategies that were put in place?
How was the client involved in assessing the effectiveness of the risk minimisation strategies?
Following evaluation of the risk minimisation strategies, were there any changes made to make the strategies more effective?
Following feedback received from the client and/or their family members/carer, what do you need to discuss with the supervisor?
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Part 4: Documentation
Fill in the following table to provide examples of how you assisted in the monitoring of risk minimisation strategies.
Answer the following questions
How do you make sure that any documents or reports you completed are correctly and accurately filled out in line with organisational policy and protocol?
Describe how documents are maintained and stored securely.
Describe at least four possible consequences if documents are not accurate or sufficiently detailed.
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