Customer segments

1) Problem Generation: (List all of this just as below in bullet format)
For this first step is from idea generation to problem generation. The first step is to start with brainstorming problems you are uniquely suited to solve.
Step A:
List three (or morList all of this just as below in bullet format)
For this first step is from idea generation to problem generation. The first step is to start with brainstorming problems you are uniquely suited to solve.
Step A:
List three (or e) customer segments you are members of. This can be just about any groups of people you feel like you belong to. Examples could be:
Basketball Players
Single Fathers
Step B:
Next, list three (or more) “passion segments.” Passion segments are groups of people, who are different than your previous three segments, who you are genuinely excited to serve; people for whom you would like to solve problems.
As with Step 1, there are no right/wrong answers. Some examples would be:
Members of a specific religion
Under-resourced youth
Step C:
With your top three segments identified, hypothesize three problems/assumptions for each segment that members of those segments might be trying to solve right now.


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