GLOBAL Fortune

ExxonMobil Corporation
PLEASE NOTE:  Wells Fargo, that’s the company I currently work for. Hope this helps.
In this Assignment, you will select a GLOBAL Fortune 500 company (it cannot be a company you work for) that operates in the United States and in other nations around the world. You will be using the same firm for the Unit 5 Assignment and the Unit 6 Final Project, so make sure it is one you are interested in and has plenty of good sources of information available.
A) Summarize the firm’s history, the economic, social, and political forces that affect it most.
B) Present recent and current operating results (financial performance) data in a table.
C) Present a brief SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats).
D) Discuss the factors it will need to predict, plan for, and adjust to in the future


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