Operations Strategy Process

The Process of Operations Strategy needs to be well formulated for it to meet Organisation’s business strategy. Elucidate the following;
(a) What is Operations strategy and what does seek to achieve in Operations Management in terms of the Operations Resources Objectives and Market Requirements? [5 Marks]
(b) A good Process formulation must follow a rigorous approach. List Seven (7) steps that you would follow in order to arrive at good typical process of Operation Strategy formulation and emphasize this through 4Cs with a comprehensive definition and description of this same 4Cs acronym. [10 Marks]
(c)Ken Platts of Cambridge University has written about the nature of Operations Strategy Process. His generic description of the process is referred to as the 5Ps. Identity and briefly explain these 5Ps in terms of characteristics and significance in the process of Operations Strategy formulation, for effective implementation


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