Design a survey

Bioethical issue

Prepare and present a survey that focuses on a specific bioethical issue. In the second part, you play the role of an expert witness testifying about that issue to a government committee.
First, determine which issue you will research. Choose one from the list in the content section or choose another bioethical issue that is of interest to you. You must consult at least three sources for this assignment and you are required to cite these sources in proper APA format.
While you are researching, consider the following list of questions …
What is the issue?
What are the opinions of the people on both sides of the issue?
What are the reasons for their opinions?
Which groups of people are most likely to take a particular side on this issue?
Why do you think this is so?
What is your opinion about the reason?
What are reasons for your opinion?

One of the ways in which governments and experts make decisions about bioethics is to gauge public opinion about issues.
Design a survey focusing on one of the bioethical issues discussed in the content section. Include a minimum of five questions designed to find out what people think about this issue. Be sure to include a brief description of the issue so that your survey recipients will understand the issue before they comment.
Distribute the survey to between five and eight people.
Record your results in a chart or spreadsheet.
Write a one paragraph summary of your results. Were the results what you predicted they would be? Why or why not?
Graph your results and upload the raw survey data, the chart or spreadsheet, the summary and your source citations


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