Human Development

Format: APA

sources: 1

Pages: 1

powerpoint slides:

Spacing: Double spaced

Topic: Theory & Research

Details: Prior to completing this discussion, please read the required chapter from the Lerner, Easterbrooks, Mistry, & Weiner (2013) ebook, Baltes (1987), Hudson-Barr (2004), and American Psychological Association (Links to an external site.) (2003) articles. Additionally, review the Human Development Theoretical PerspectivesPreview the document document required for this week.

Select one of the perspectives identified in the Theoretical Perspectives to Understand Human Development document and identify one theory (Freud’s Psychosexual Theory, Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory, etc.) that you would like to explore more.

Explain the theory you selected providing a well-developed overview. In addition, research one peer-reviewed article from your selected theoretical perspective in the Ashford University Library.  Summarize the article being sure to include research question(s) and/or problem(s), target population and sample (specific group within the target population), measures (tests, instruments, and/or questionnaires used), procedures (how the study was conducted), and conclusions presented in the article.  Analyze the ethical considerations, as well as the benefits and limitations of the research proposing solutions or suggestions for any issues or concerns.


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