1.What are the benefits and pitfalls of unions?
2. Read the following case and answer discussion questions: You must answer both questions in the case.
Although not everyone agrees that the unbridled globalization of professional sports is all for the good, the process and possibilities are definitely far reaching. Today’s satellite television broadcasts enable fans to watch top players and teams in nearly any sport from almost anywhere on earth. Professional teams scour the world to find and develop the most talented athletes, and players forsake home country allegiances in their pursuit of the world’s highest salaries. Further, the more people that tournaments can attract through attendance and television, the more money that sponsors and advertisers are willing to pay—and the greater the likelihood that those sponsors and advertisers will have business operations that span the globe. In addition, sports and non sports companies alike pay famous athletes and teams generous sums to endorse their products. Successful teams have opened shops both domestically and internationally to sell souvenirs bearing their logos and may make more money on merchandise than from TV rights and sponsorships combined. Most recently, as teams and leagues have begun to seek income opportunities outside their home countries, foreign investors have acquired a U.S. baseball team; another group of foreign investors acquired controlling interest in a British soccer (football) team, and the National Football League (NFL) of the United States underwrites flag football games in Chinese schools, and is playing some regular season NFL games in Europe. Map 1.1 outlines national sports in a variety of countries and can be used to discuss how culture impacts globalization.
1-1 Professional athlete A is a star. And professional athlete B is an average player. How has the globalization of professional sports affected each of these both positively and negatively?
. (LO: 2, Learning Outcome: To understand why companies engage in international business and why international business growth has accelerated, AACSB: Analytical Skills)
1-2 As you read the chapter, identify and show an example of each international mode of operations that is illustrated in the globalization of professional sports.
(LO: 2, Learning Outcome: To understand why companies engage in international business and why international business growth has accelerated, AACSB: Analytical Skills)