Student learning and engagement

Education of English Language Learners and Students With Disabilities

Style APA
Number of words 2485
Number of sources 0
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0


Your current position is as an educational consultant of English language learners (ELL) and students with disabilities in the New Brookhaven School. (You may determine the level of the school: early childhood, elementary, middle, or high school.) The teachers you are assigned to work with have taught in the school for 5–10 years. Each teacher is set in his or her way. The test scores on achievement tests for neighborhood typical learning students are average to above average. Students with disabilities are known to be excluded from standardized testing and some classroom activities. Five ELL students have also just arrived at the school from the new community immigrant host program. Parents of the ELL students do not speak English and will need an interpreter to work with the school and communicate with teachers. Two of the ELL students are known for exhibiting behavioral outbursts in class. Several of the students with disabilities also have Behavioral Intervention Plans and are behind academically. Parents of students with disabilities often complain that their children are not receiving a fair education and are treated differently than their peers. The school has limited technology funding. Your position in the school is to create a learning environment that is educationally sound for ELL students and students with disabilities.


Write an 8–10 page paper in which you:

Summarize a background scenario of the school, teachers, teaching environment, and students.
Explain how you would establish and integrate programs for students with disabilities and ELL students. Research and cite two case law findings that impact programs for students with disabilities and ELL students.
Analyze how school resources and public school funding could be utilized or reappropriated for technology and specialized programs for student learning and engagement. Research and cite one case law finding or legislative act that impacts school resources and public school funding allocations.
Discuss how incidents of behavioral infractions will be addressed.
Recommend how the needs of students and teachers will be met as it relates to student and teacher freedom and safety.
Construct a plan to meet the needs of ELL students, students with disabilities, and their parents.
Explain a strategy for securing technology funding to meet student and teacher technology needs.
Analyze three potential challenges to your proposed plan and explain how you would address these.
Use at least six peer-reviewed academic resources in this assignment including a conversation from a K-12 Administrator. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources. If you are uncertain that a resource qualifies as a peer-reviewed academic resource, please consult your course instructor. The K-12 Administrator qualifies as one academic resource.


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