Modes of usage of information from the data warehouse

1. What are the two basic modes of usage of information from the data warehouse? Give an example for each mode.

2. List any five essential features necessary for the user –information interface.

1. Who are the power users? How do power users expect to use the data warehouse?

2. Who are the users classified as farmers? Name any three characteristics of this class of data warehouse users.

Indicate if true or false:

A. OLAP facilitates interactive queries and complex uses.

B. A hypercube can be represented by the physical cube.

C. Slice-and-dice is the same as the rotation of the columns and rows in presentation of data.

D. DOLAP stands for departmental OLAP.

E. ROLAP systems store data in multidimensional, proprietary databases.

F. The essential difference between ROLAP and MOLAP is in the way data is stored.

G. OLAP systems need transformed and integrated data.

H. Data in an OLAP system is rarely summarized.

I. Multidimensional domain structure (MDS) can represent only up to six dimensions.

J. OLAP systems do not handle moving averages.


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