Bronfenbrenner’s five environmental system

1.What are Bronfenbrenner’s five environmental systems? What are some criticisms of his theory?

2.What are the eight Eriksonian stages? What are some criticisms of his theory?

3.How well do you think your own socioemotional development can be described using Erikson’s theory?

4. How are peers defined, and what are the five peer statuses? What risks are attached to certain peer statuses? How do friendships matter

Maria is frustrated with her calculus teacher, a former university math professor. He knows his math but has a difficult time communicating his knowledge to his students. In fact, half the time in class, Maria has no idea what he is talking about. When she asks for help, he is willing to meet with her, but his explanations are no clearer than they are in class. Which statement best characterizes Maria’s calculus teacher? a. He has both expert knowledge in calculus and pedagogical content knowledge. b. He has expert knowledge in calculus but lacks pedagogical content knowledge. c. He lacks expert knowledge in calculus but has pedagogical content knowledge. d. He lacks both expert knowledge in calculus and pedagogical content knowledge.


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