Job advertisement or a job description

Search for a detailed job advertisement or a job description.

What are the KSAOs that the job seems to require? Suggest which sorts of tests or other screening procedures might best measure the KSAOs associated with the job.

Think of a job you have had in the past, or talk to someone you know about his or her job. Using what you know about the position, try to determine what the relevant performance criteria would be for the job.

Develop methods for assessing the performance criteria. Would you measure these criteria objectively or subjectively?

1.Suppose that you had several students in your class who were strikingly gifted. Might this lead to problems? Explain. What might you do to prevent such problems from developing?

2. Ms. Larson has a student in her kindergarten class who continuously surprises her. He requested that she allow him to play with a puzzle of the United States that no children had played with in years. She observed him expertly put each state in place, saying its name as he did so. Soon he was teaching the other students in the class each state’s name, its capital, and where it belonged in the puzzle. On a recent trip to the school learning center, he asked to check out a book of international flags that was written at an eighth-grade level. Her first instinct was to deny his request, but instead she asked him about the book. He told her, “I know I can’t read all of it, but I can read the names of the countries, and I want to learn more flags. See how many I already know?” He then flipped through the book, correctly identifying most of the flags. Which characteristics of giftedness is this student showing?

a. numerical ability, highly developed social skills, and precocity

b.verbal ability, intensity, and a passion to master

c. high reading level, marching to his own drummer, and stubbornness

d. precocity, marching to his own drummer, and a passion to master


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