Types of physical disorders in children

1.What types of physical disorders in children are teachers likely to see?

2.What are some common visual and hearing sensory disorders in children?

3.What are the differences among articulation, voice, fluency, and language disorders? What characterizes autism spectrum disorders?

4.What are the main types of emotional and behavioral disorders?

Write a paper of 1,250-1,500 words in which you argue for or against the notion that Hopfield networks not only share characteristics of learning in the brain-mind system but also that they are useful analytic tools.

Ms. Vandt teaches fifth grade. Her class is composed of approximately equal numbers of boys and girls. She often wonders why the boys can’t behave more like the girls. The girls sit quietly, follow rules, and work well together. The boys have problems sitting still. They are rowdy and loud. Ms. Vandt tries to treat all of her students the same, but she often needs to reprimand the boys. What should she do?

a. Allow the children time and space to move around and blow off steam. This will help the boys to attend better in class and the girls to socialize.

b. Continue to reprimand the boys when they behave inappropriately. They will learn to sit quietly and be compliant.

c. Divide the children into gender-specific groups so that the boys don’t interfere with the girls’ work.

d. Point out the girls’ compliant behavior as a model for the boys, so that they will understand what is expected of them.


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