Article Review”

Topic For this assessment you are required to select and have approved by you lecturer an article from a reputable, referenced, industry or academic journal or presentation which relates how an MS incorporates into an SME. You are to undertake a critical review of this article and should refer to the document “How to Write a Critical Article Review” for the structure of the review. • Your essay should be centred on a single article which you believe is particularly significant (it should be very high quality). • As well as reviewing the article, you must also argue why and how the article has impacted on the use of ICT in Accounting and/or Business more generally. • You will be required to use preferred referencing for the reviews which should include a complete Bibliography. Quoted material and Bibliography will not be included in word count. • The review is to be approximately 2,000 words long. • The article is not to be any older than December 2016 and could be covering any of the technical, operational, strategic or management aspects of organisational structure.


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