Design and build a simple two-player Tic Tac Toe program. You can make the interface however you would like it (a simple text interface where the board is redrawn after each move is probably the easiest).
The basic features of the program are as follows:
We know that after each player moves the referee needs to evaluate the board to see if the game is over. Let’s make the referee feature an Aspect.
You only need to turn in the actual software by exporting the project from Eclipse. You do not need to turn in any type of design document.
To export a project in Eclipse, follow these steps.
1. Right click on the project and select Export
2. In the General folder select Archive File
3. Click the Browse button
4. Give is a file name with a .zip extension
5. Click the Save button
6. Click the Use Zip button
7. Click the Finish button