Compliance and Sustainability”

In the wake of the recent shootings in Las Vegas, what is your opinion of the fact that each time we have such disasters, the talk turns to gun control? Should we look at Australia whose murder rate was reduced after it passed its gun control law in 1996 precipitated by the Port Arthur Massacre that banned certain semi-automatic, self-loading rifles and shotguns, and imposed stricter licensing and registration requirements? It was amended in 2002 restricting the caliber, barrel length and capacity for sport shooting handguns (Kiely, 2017).


Consider the recent explosion at the Arkema Plant that was allegedly the result of Hurricane Harvey’s fury. Lawsuits are being filed; one of which is the first responders lawsuit described at the following link: A second lawsuit has been filed as a class action. See the following link that discusses the second lawsuit and why it was filed:

What are some of the actions the company should have taken to avoid what occurred? What are some possible EPA or OSHA violations?

8.  After watching the video, “Compliance and Sustainability”, discuss the effect of environmental laws on today’s business environment (Bennell, 2016).


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