Language Development Scenarios

At age 20 months, Nathan says “candy” when he sees buttons, pebbles, marbles, cough drops, and chocolate kisses.  Are Nathan’s naming errors random or systematic? Why are they an adaptive way of communicating?

Nine- year old Allison dislikes physical education and thinks she isn’t good at sports.  What strategies can be used to improve her involvement and pleasure in physical activity?


Three year old Jason’s mother told him that the family would take a vacation in Miami.  The next morning, Jason announced, “I gotted my bags packed.  When are we going to Your-ami? How do language researchers explain Jason’s errors?

As a school-age child, Chloe enjoyed leisure activities with her parents.  Now, as a 14 year-old, she spends hours in her room and resists going on weekend family excursions.  Explain Chloe’s behavior.


Erin was raised in a house with a mother who was bilingual in English and Spanish.  Her parents decided that her mother would speak to her in Spanish and her father in English so that she too would be bilingual.  Erin sometimes mixes the two languages together when she is talking.  Were Erin’s parents wise to teach her both English and Spanish? Does Erin’s mixing of the two languages indicate confusion?


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