5-page max. Must use attached prior project information and resources. I have attached everything you will
need for this assignment. Please do not use outside sources.
Write a memo to President and CEO, Maximillan Barney using the format outlined below:
Your Memo will be addressed to Mr. Maximillian Barney, the CEO and President of Biotech. The Memo should be single-spaced. The Memo should include the following structural elements:
The report should contain the following sections, with each section supported by course materials. Label each section using Roman Numerals I through X.
· Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself to Mr. Barney and describe the purpose of your memo.
· Identify the position you wish to be considered:
· Briefly review the leadership competencies identified as important for the person that occupies this position.
· Summarize the leadership competencies that you feel you have that make you a qualified candidate for this position. This should be a summary, as you will get into more detail in upcoming sections.
· Identify the outcomes of your Jung Personality Test and Self-Esteem Test and describe why your personality is suited to the position.
· Identify the outcomes of the Communications Skills Test and describe why you have the communication skills suited to this position.
· Identify the outcomes of the Leadership Skills Test and the Leadership Style Test and describe why you have the leadership skills and appropriate leadership style for this position.
· Identify the outcomes of the Cultural Intelligence Test and Emotional Intelligence Test and describe why you have the CQ and the EQ suited to this position.
· Identify the outcomes of the Ultimate Ethics Quiz and describe why you have the moral compass suited to this position.
· Conclusion – briefly summarize for Mr. Barney why you should be considered for this position.
· Reference Page (in APA format)
· Appendix – to include the results of all self-assessment tests described in the memo in sections III through VII.
Please see the results for each of the tests listed below attached
· Jung Personality Typology Test
· Communication Skills Self-Assessment Inventory