Amy, two months pregnant, wonders how the developing embryo is being fed and what parts of the body have formed. “I don’t look pregnant yet, so does that mean not much development has taken place?” she asks. How would you respond to Amy?
Fran frequently corrects her 17 month old son Jeremy’s attempts to talk and –fearing that he won’t use words- refuses to respond to his gestures. How might Fran be contributing to Jeremy’s slow language progress?
After a difficult birth, 2 day-old Kelly scores poorly on the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS). How would you address her mother’s concern that Kelly might not develop normally?
As his father place a bowl of pasta on the dinner table, 2 year old Luke exclaimed, “So ‘licious!” Explain Luke’s phonological strategy.
Lisa is concerned that her 10 month old is not sitting or crawling. Should she be concerned? Why or why not? What are some ways she can encourage her 10 month old to practice these skills?