After watching the video, “”What’s a Contract and Why Do I Need Them?” , discuss the definition and essential elements of a contract (Romero, 2016).
5. After watching the video, “Choice of Law: What State/Country Laws Will Apply?” , discuss the importance of Choice of Law clause in a contract (Polansky, 2016).
6. After watching the video, “Business Structures”, discuss the following;
7. Arbitrator Stephen Goldberg’s Dec. 8, 2016 decision dealt with the union agreement called the “collective bargaining agreement”. The arbitration concerned the issue of whether the Postal Service violated the agreement when it failed to assign Sales Retention Team center to work to the Clerk Craft and post the position for bid.
After reading the article at the following link that discussed the landmark arbitration decision:, what are remedies Goldberg ordered the Postal Service to do?
8. Charlottesville continues to be in the news and have an affect on the business community. Discuss the recent move by companies to cease services to white supremacists from a legal and ethical perspective. How will the companies’ decision affect other companies who have yet to cease services, if at all? Can their action be considered a violation of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution? How will the actions of the companies, those who cease services and those who do not, affect the business legal community and the protection of their PR or brand perception?
Here is one link that discussed the issue of brand perception: