1. Define analytics.
2. What is descriptive analytics? What are the various tools that are employed in descriptive analytics?
3. How is descriptive analytics different from traditional reporting?
4. What is a DW? How can DW technology help enable analytics?
1. Open your app.
2. Wave your smartphone at a gate to the store. It will work with a QR code there.
3. Enter the store.
4. Start shopping. All products are prepacked. You put them in a shopping bag (yours or one borrowed at the store). The minute you pick an item from the shelf, it is recorded in a virtual shopping cart. This activity is done by sensors/cameras. Your account is debited. If you change your mind, and return an item, the system will credit your account instantly. The sensors also track your movements in the store. (This is an issue of digital privacy;
The sensors are of RFID type (Chapter 13).
5. Finished shopping? Just leave the store (make sure your app is open for the gate to let you leave). The system knows that you have left and what products you took, and your shopping trip is finished. The system will total your cost, which you can check anytime on your smartphone.
6. Amazon.com records your shopping habits (again, a privacy issue), which will help your future shopping experience and will help Amazon to build recommendations for you (Chapter 2). The objective of Go is to guide you to healthy food! (Amazon sells its meal kits of healthy food there.)
Describe the privacy issue