What kind of information can be used to cue episodic memory? Are some types of cue better than others?
What is meant by the concept of mental time travel and why is this important for episodic memory?
What does transfer appropriate processing tell us about what information is stored in episodic memory and how it is remembered later?
What are the different types of practice that a person can engage in? Which of these is better for later memory retrieval?
What are the different schedules of distributed practice and which of these seems to serve as a better aid to memory over long periods of time?
What is overlearning, how does it come about, and what are the consequences for long-term memory?
How does organization help episodic memory? How does distinctiveness help episodic memory? How are they opposites? How can this puzzle be resolved?
What are the different types of prospective memory? How is prospective memory affected by retention intervals?