
In a study, Tessler and Nelson (1994) examined the memory of three-and-a-half-year-old Children who visited a museum. They found that

a. Ten years later, children could not remember the event

b. Children did not encode the event and therefore could not remember it six months later

c. Memory for the museum was actually better in children who did not visit the museum

d. The more a mother discussed the event with a child, the more the child was able to recall of the event

Memory conversations refer to

a. A rare phenomenon in children who remember events from before birth

b. The talk between a parent and a child concerning past events

c. When memory is converted from one form to another

d. All of the above

Leichtman and Ceci (1995) investigated the suggestibility of child witnesses. They found that

a. Younger children were paradoxically better at recalling accurately

b. Younger children showed little evidence of false memories, even in the suggestibility condition

c. False memories were very high for all children in the control condition

d. False memory rates reached 40% in the suggestibility condition for the younger children

Research on the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm (DRM) shows that

a. Older children show more critical intrusions than younger children

b. Older children show fewer critical intrusions than younger children

c. Older children show the same amount of critical intrusions than younger children

d. Older children never show critical intrusions, whereas they occur continuously with younger children


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