State the Traveling Salesperson Problem. Name three blind search algorithms. In what sense are blind search algorithms blind?
Compare the three blind search algorithmswith respect to: completeness, optimality, and time-and-space complexity. When is dfs preferable to bfs?
Why is search an important component of an AI system?
What is a state-space graph?
Describe the generate-and-test paradigm.
What properties should a generator possess?
How does backtracking improve on exhaustive enumeration?
Describe the greedy algorithm in a sentence or two.
Solve the False Coin Problem for 12 coins. Only three combinations of coins are permitted to be weighed. Recall that a balance scale returns one of three results: equal, left side is lighter, or left side is heavier. Solve the Mini False Coin Problem weighing only twice, or prove that this is not possible.