Hidden Dangers of ADHD Medications

This essay isNOTa summary of several different elements of ADHD. Rather, it is an analysis of a single trend related to ADHD, including various elements of that single trend.

Trend topic**· Hidden Dangers of ADHD Medications

Your review should include at least fivescholarly sources outside of class texts.


1.Label or Identify the Subject:Provide the name for the trend and provide some context or background for the subject.

2.Explain the Subject:Find a pattern of meaning in the trend (e.g., speculate as to causes and effects of an event, compare with a similar case, or offer an example).

Make a Judgment/Offer an Opinion:Evaluate the trend using third person; offer praise or critique the trend, offering evidence to support your claims


· Include in-text citations and a References page for at least FIVEscholarly sources outside of class texts.

· These sources should be used to support any claims you make.

· APA format

· Include this research in the paper in a scholarly manner.

-The name for the trend is present. The context or background for the subject is well-researched and comprehensive.

The student thoroughly understands and explains the subject. With an impressive level of depth, a pattern of meaning in the trend is described.

The student makes a credible judgment and offers an innovative opinion using multiple sources to support the judgments/opinions. The evaluation of the trend represents a variety of perspectives.

-Essay is logically organized to lead readers to understanding content. Introduction explains subject and engages readers. Thesis statement is placed appropriately, according to the genre of commentary. Well-ordered paragraphs are developed around topic sentences, and advance essay’s ideas. Conclusion provides strong, satisfying ending, not a mere summary of the essay.

-Layout: Essay is double-spaced with 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1” margins, heading (with name, date, course and instructor), headers (assignment title and page numbers using appropriate header function).

-Voice and tone characterize ideas and effectively create appropriate mood. Word choice includes active verbs, concrete nouns, and precise words. A variety of sentence structures strengthens the ideas, create vitality, and avoid choppiness in the writing. Writing is concise.

-Demonstrates outstanding control of grammatical conventions.

No Errors:  Apostrophe use  Capitalization  Commas–misplaced or missing


Faulty point of view shifts

Pronoun agreement Quotation errors  Semicolons–misused  Run-ons and fragments Spelling errors

Subject-verb agreement

Tense Shifts


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