Employees Law

Readings Required:

Ch. 3: “Critical Reading: Getting Deeper into Arguments,” (74-107)

Alfred Edmond’s “Why Asking for a Job Applicant’s Facebook Password Is Fair Game” (132-135)

Answer the question in 300 words or more. Organize your response in the form of a mini essay (intro, body, and conclusion).

Make sure the thesis is clear in the introduction; the topic sentence is the first sentence of the body paragraph, and the conclusion should wrap up the overall argument of the mini essay.

1.Employers do (at least at the time we are writing) have the right to require drug tests and personality tests. Do you think they should also legally be allowed to ask for a password to Facebook, or should Congress pass legislation outlawing the practice? If employers are legally allowed to ask, would you provide the password? Why, or why not?


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