Presentation: human psychology and physiology


Aviation psychology is defined as an “applied psychology that focuses  on understanding human psychology as it relates to the operation and  control of aviation systems.” Aviation physiology is “the branch of  physiology that deals with conditions encountered by humans in flying,  mountain climbing, or space flight.” There is a relationship and  correlation between these two in monitoring the well-being of human  beings.


  • Research these two topics and their effects on humans and in aviation safety.
  • Review the module materials and outside sources to better understand these topics.

Start a narrated presentation on the similarities and differences of these two topics:

  • Explain the different aspects of aviation psychology and aviation physiology in relation to the human.
  • Examine the nature of these topics and the effects on the safety of flight.
  • Determine whether these topics play a role in the decision-making process and why.

Your presentation should consist of approximately 7-10 slides (not  including the title slide and the reference slide). With a suggested  length of 3-5 minutes of audio, overall. The informa


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