
Your original response to the Discussion topic should be at least 350 words.


After you have completed the Reading, and watched the video on self-awareness (page 200 of your Digital Book), post your initial response to the following questions and statements:

1. Illustrate how the “rouge test” shows understanding of self-awareness. In your answer, portray the different components of the development of the self-system. Determine if there are components that were not discussed in the video, and specify what they are, and their role in development.

2. Summarize different theories related to the development of the self-system in the early years, and examine the role of culture.

3. Explore the four phases of self-development in Table 5.1 as they relate to the children in the video. Compare all of the phases and outline which were present and not present in the video.

TABLE 5.1 Phases of Self-Development AGE DEVELOPING ASPECTS OF SELF MANIFESTATIONS 0–6 months Pre-Self Beginnings of “self-invariance” and “other invariance” embedded in infant–caregiver interactions 6–12 months Intentional or Agentic Self or “I” Intentional signaling of caregiver; social referencing; shared referents; beginning self-efficacy; using caregiver as secure base (beginning self-worth and trust) 12–24 months Objective Self or “Me” Self-recognition; early self-control; early self-esteem (feelings of autonomy) 24–60 months Self-Monitoring Self Self-description; self-conscious emotions; self-regulation


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