Company of expertise (COE) & country of specialty (COS) marketing plan: COE can be an American company currently operating in a foreign country. USA cannot be used as COS. You cannot choose a foreign company that is operating in, or planning to enter, or should enter the US market. USA companies can be used as COE if they are operating in, or planning to enter, or should enter a foreign market.
You cannot use Netflix as your COE. You cannot use USA or Taiwan as your COS.
A1 Company of expertise and Country of specialty marketing plan should include the following sections:
1.0 Cover Page (Should include company name, company logo, brand or mark, county of specialty flag, course number and name, semester, your name and any other relevant information)
1.1 Table of contents (TOC) (should include section numbers and page numbers) (must use the auto TOC from word)
1.2 Executive Summary of your analysis (1/2 of a page, paragraph format). Summary of key points in your analysis
1.3 Introduction about your COS (1/2 of a page, paragraph format).
1.4 Introduction/background of your COE (1/2 of a page, paragraph format)
2.0 Global Macro Environment with focus on your COS. Macro Environment Analysis, PEST analysis. (2 bulleted points under each sub-section, PEST points should be classified as opportunities or threats)
2.1 Politics, Rules and Regulations; (outline format with discussion of each point)
2.2 COS Economy,
2.3 COS Society and culture,
2.4 COS Technology.
3.0 Global Competition Analysis.
3.1 Discuss Porter model of five competitive forces in your COS (threat of new entrants, buyers’ power, suppliers’ power, threat of substitutes, and degree of rivalry).
3.2 Primary competitor in your COS: Discuss the primary competitor 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses.
3.3 Summary table: use a summary table to compare the 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses of your COE and their primary competitor. The table should list very briefly three strengths and three weaknesses for your COE and the same for their primary competitor.
3.4 Secondary competition: Brief discussion of one secondary competitor (1).
4.0 Target market analysis & segmentation. (Do not leave the main section 4.0 blank)
4.1 Target market analysis (current and potential segments of consumers). Discuss the 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the current target market.
4.2 Target market segmentation (discuss 2 segments).
Potential consumers of the selected company in the selected country. Talk about people (consumer segments) that COE needs to target in the selected country, their characteristics, their demographics, geographies, and so on (be specific as much as you can).
4.3 Recommended Target market analysis: Discuss the consumers that your COE should target in your COS. Minimum: you should recommend one new group of consumers that your COE should target in your COS.
5.0 Global Marketing Mix Strategies
5.1 Product Strategy
5.1.1 Current product strategy with examples. (Discuss 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the current product strategy. Bullet each point)
5.1.2 Recommended product strategy.
5.2 Price Strategy
5.2.1 Current price strategy with examples. (Discuss 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the current price strategy. Bullet each point)
5.2.2 Recommended price strategy.
5.3 Promotion Strategy
5.3.1 Current promotion strategy with examples. (Discuss 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the current promotion strategy. Bullet each point)
5.3.2 Recommended promotion strategy.
5.4 Place strategy
5.4.1 Current place strategy with examples. (Discuss 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the current place strategy. Bullet each point)
5.4.2 Recommended place strategy.
6.0 Conclusion (paragraph format). Should include a short summary of your analysis and your general opinion on what the company should do moving forward.
7.0 References (APA, No bullets, No numbers). All references must be cross cited in the body of your analysis. Points will be taken for every reference that does NOT appear in the body of your analysis and vice versa.
8.0 Appendix. Optional: An appendix is used to include supplementary material that cannot be inserted in the body of your paper. Examples of appendix items include tables, charts, figures, or pictures to name few (optional).
Pages of Analysis (These pages assume single space you need to double the pages in case of using double space):
Page 0 = Cover page.
Page 1 = table of contents. Should auto develop in MS Word. Do not bold and do not italicize.
Page 2= executive summary. ES summarizes your plan key points and your recommendations.
Page 3= Introduction & Background of your COE and your COS (half page each)
Pages 4-9 = your analysis (Can use extra one or two pages if needed)
Page 10 = Conclusion
Page 11 = References (APA formatted and should be cross referenced in the body of your Report).
Pages 12 on ward = Appendix.
Additional guidelines:
Cover page should include the following statement:
I, ________Student name______________, hereby certify and warrant:
(a) that this Individual analysis is my original work;
(b) that I have acknowledged all the sources used in this paper.
(c) I understand that copying of another’s work and representing it as my own work is a serious academic offense and should be treated as such.
Papers should be grammatically correct, with no spelling errors.
There should be no plagiarism whatsoever. Your report should be your own write up using your own words. No copying/pasting from the internet.
Your COS should be about a developed country NOT a developing country. For example, it is easier to develop a marketing plan for Canada than for Mexico, even though both countries are neighbors of the USA.
Avoid countries with political problems or civil unrest. It’s easier to develop a marketing plan for a stable country than for a country in turmoil.
Your COE should be B2C Company not B2B company (recommended).
It will be great if you choose a sporting company (e.g., Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, Puma, Dick’s, Foot locker… etc). Sporting companies include: Sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing (NAICS: 339920; SIC: 3949). Sporting Goods Stores (NAICS: 451110; SIC: 5941). Sports Teams (NAICS: 71211; SIC: 7941); and All Other Amusement and Recreation Industries (NAICS: 713990; SIC: 7999).
Your paper should be APA formatted. Exception: your pages should be single spaced.
Outline format: please use the outline format in your report with discussion of every point. You should bullet and discuss your points. I do not need to search for the start and the end of any point in your paragraphs.
Font & Margins: Use Times New Roman font, size 12 points with 1 inch all around.
Your references should be APA formatted and cross referenced in the body of your analysis.
You do not need to use more than 10 scholarly references in your assignment. If possible!
Guidelines: you need to follow these guidelines to develop your marketing plan. In addition, you should follow any other guidelines posted during the DB discussions. (see below for some of the additional guidelines that we discussed during the last semester).
Save your file under your COE name (e.g., Nike). Drop your file in the Turnitin assignment box by the scheduled deadline.
This feedback from the COS COE discussion should be incorporated in your A1 as well (Previous semester).
Do not leave section 2.0 empty. Use it to introduce and summarize the subsections.
COE: You should discuss the primary competitor strengths and weaknesses outside the summary table.
Please write your analysis over my guidelines. You need to keep the number sections from the guidelines.
Please discuss your points.
Please stick to the required number of points under PEST analysis. Follow the guidelines of the assignment. You should look at the posted example for some directions as well.
Primary competitor S&W should be discussed outside the table.
Your points need more details and you need more references.
Competition is a threat. It is NOT a weakness.
Your comparison table should include 3 points under each subsection. 3 strengths for your COE, 3 strengths for the primary competitor, and the same for the weaknesses. The overlapping and repetition in the marketing plan is fine and expected.
Times New Roman size 12 is the font of the assignment.
Remember strengths and weaknesses are under the control of the COE. They can change them. Competition is NOT under the control of your COE. Usually we analyze competition in separate section in the marketing plan. It can be added to the opportunities or threats sections in the SWOT analysis.
The instructions of the discussion need 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses to fulfill. You do not need to have 4.
Please work on the numbers of your sections and points. You cannot use numbers for sections and points at the same time.
Thank you very much for mentioning COVID19. I believe you are the first student to mention the impact of the virus on the world economy.
Under Technology you need to have 2 points. Similar to the other sections of PEST.
Your PEST points must be classified as opportunities or threats.
Your references should be APA.
I believe you did something that none of your classmates did so far. You crossed some of the strengths and weaknesses between your COE and their primary competitor. This is something should be done by the rest of the class. For example, diversification.
One thing you must avoid is using the same point as a strength or weakness for your COE and their primary competitor at the same time. In your case you used price as weaknesses for Asics and Adidas. You need to change this anyway; you see it appropriate based on your knowledge and research.