In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
You work for OneEarth, an environmental consulting company that specializes in building condition assessments, contaminated site remediation, and energy audits. Founded by an environmentally concerned citizen in 2010, OneEarth has emerged as the highest-quality and most comprehensive environmental services company in the region.
Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), a private nonprofit university located in Manchester, New Hampshire, in the United States, is dedicated to reducing its carbon footprint. SNHU has approached OneEarth for its assistance and expertise in achieving this goal. Knowing of your desires to diversify your experience and professional portfolio, your manager, Claire DeAir, has consented for you to join the team working with SNHU. You’re responsible for creating a technical report based on an analysis of the data the onsite team has collected over the last few weeks to determine the cost-effectiveness of SNHU adopting solar energy.
You’ve been asked to recommend whether or not SNHU should install solar energy panels on one of its buildings in Manchester, New Hampshire, to reduce the university’s carbon footprint. Using the data in the SNHU Site Data document in the Supporting Materials section, you will conduct a series of calculations. With those calculations, you will create a technical report for SNHU that explains whether the university should invest in solar energy by purchasing the system or by leasing. Your technical report should include the following calculations and determinations:
The manufacturer has reported that since solar panels are complex and evolving technology, 1 out of every 1,000 manufactured solar panels is defective.
What to Submit
Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:
Technical Report (1,000–1,500 words)Using the data provided in the SNHU Site Data document in the Supporting Materials section, you will conduct a series of calculations. Your computations will inform your recommendations. First, you will determine whether or not SNHU should adopt solar panels. Then, you will explain whether or not SNHU should purchase or lease a solar panel system. Specifically, you will reference and incorporate the energy output of a solar panel system, the difference between current usage and the energy generated by the system, the likelihood of a damaged panel, the costs to pay for the system, and any savings for leasing a panel. Your proposition should be informed and supported by your calculations. You can include visual and graphical elements in your report to illustrate your propositions.