Fiscal and monetary policies are important because they are interventions for the natural flow of the economy. Research “Classical Economics” & “Keynesian Economics”. What are these terms? Research the current trends in monetary policy for the country that you are assigned to for your research project. Discuss these findings.
Part I: Look up the terms “Classical Economics” & “Keynesian Economics.” Briefly define them. Now that you understand fiscal and monetary policy and the impacts, which approach to economic challenges is best and why? Your post must be at least 6 sentences. Properly cite any referenced material using APA citations.
Part II: For the country that you are assigned to for your project, discuss at least two current monetary policy strategies that are being used (use something from the past 6 years). Hint: Refer to Chapter 16 to see the examples of the monetary policy tools. What types of problems are the central bank trying to address? Are their strategies successful? This must be at least 8 sentences in length. Properly cite any referenced material using APA citations.
Part III: Reply to one of your classmate’s posts. Ensure to discuss the differences in monetary policy approaches between the country for your research project and your classmate’s research project. This must be at least 8 sentences in length for each reply.