The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act


The changes made by the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, 2017 to the tax provisions changed

the tax rate for 2018. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act took effect on January 1, 2018, and

will substantially impact taxpayers through 2025.


Review the Act and address the questions below. Your responses need to be supported

by relevant well-researched facts.

1. What were the major changes made to tax provisions by the Act?

2. What impact does it currently have on our GDP and government’s budget?

3. How have the changes in taxes affected you personally? If you feel that it has not

affected you personally, please state that in your response and explain why.

4. Who benefits from the changes in tax provisions? Does it favor one group over


5. What changes do you agree and disagree with? In your own opinion, if you had

the power to revise the Act, what changes would you make?


• 7 pages minimum excluding the Title and Reference pages.

• Submit a Word document in APA format.

• At least three resources and all relevant facts are properly cited in APA format.


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