Assessment Task Instruction
Inquiry Question: Which country should I invest $10 million in so as to generate high and sustainable returns?
You are a wealth manager in a successful wealth management firm. A famous and wealthy celebrity client wishes to hire the firm to manage $10 million dollars of their spare cash. This celebrity would like the $10 million dollars invested in a specific country. However, before any money is exchanged, the celebrity is requesting for a detailed report about the reasons why the celebrity should invest money in the country that you have selected. The celebrity also wants to know the risks involved in investing in this country so that the celebrity can make an informed decision. Due to the size of this investment, the firm will be offering this opportunity to every wealth manager in the company. Your role is to craft a convincing report to win this client over.
- Create a Google Doc and Name it “First Name, Last Name, Economics Unit 2 AOS 1 SAC”
- Share the document with me using my email “”
- Complete your report in this document
- Document will be downloaded by me on the deadline for submission: term 3 week 3
- Select a celebrity of your choice: frank ocean
- Select a country that you want to invest the $10 million dollar in: Australia
- Conduct research about this country focusing on at least 5 reasons (at least 2 economic reasons and 1 political reason) why investing $10 million dollars would generate high and sustainable returns in this country (Positive) (use information from past 5 years: 2016-2021)
- Economic Reason 1 (Aggregate Demand (AD) factor):
- Economic Reason 2 (Aggregate Supply (AS) factor): GDP
- Political Reason:political stability
- Environmental Reason: green energy
- Other (Social, Technological) Reason: social
Some economic reasons to focus on: Economic growth, GDP per capita, unemployment rates, level of infrastructure, ease to conduct business and investment, level of investment spending in the country (Macroeconomic indicator: Economic Growth, Unemployment, Inflation rates)
Some political reasons to focus on: political stability or instability, level of political contentment or discontentment, war, civil war, coup, upcoming election, government managing the COVID-19
Other reasons: Environmental (Pollution, Sustainability, Green energy), Legal (Corruption levels, Rule of law, Ethical rules and regulations), Social (Crime rates, Literacy levels, Well being, Culture), Technological (level of research and development)
- Conduct research about this country focusing on at least 3 risks (negative, challenge, issue, problem) (at least 1 economic reason) involved in investing $10 million dollars that may not generate high and sustainable returns in this country
- Economic Risk (Focus on either AD or AS): __________________________________________________
- Environmental Risk: _______________________________________________
- Other (Social, Legal, Technological) Risk: ______________________________________________________
- Craft a report using the following format: (no minimum words – 2000 words max)
- Introduction: 1 paragraph (2 marks)
- 3 to 5 sentences
- Describe the recent 2 years (Jan 2019 to Jun 2021) history of the country focusing on major events that can influence investment decisions
5 Reasons for investing in this country
- Supporting economic reason 1 (3 marks)
- 3 to 6 sentences
- Explain why this reason will generate high and sustainable returns in this country
- Provide at least one example and one graph or data (put a heading for your graphs) about this reason (You can use for graphs or data or other sources)
- Point, Examples, Explanation, Link
Structure of responding to each reason
- State the reason: strong and sustainable export demand/revenue
- Define the reason
- Describe what that reason means → what does this reason indicate about the country
- Describe how the reason can lead to high and sustainable returns in this country
- Supporting economic reason 2 (3 marks)
- 3 to 6 sentences
- Explain why this reason will generate high and sustainable returns in this country
- Provide at least one example and one graph or data about this reason
- Supporting political reason 1 (3 marks)
- 3 to 6 sentences
- Explain why this reason will generate high and sustainable returns in this country
- Provide at least one example and one graph or data about this reason
- Supporting other reason 1 (Can be economic or political) (3 marks)
- 3 to 6 sentences
- Explain why this reason will generate high and sustainable returns in this country
- Provide at least one example and one graph or data about this reason
(agriculture, multicultural
- Supporting other reason 2 (Cannot be economic or political) (3 marks)
- 3 to 6 sentences
- Explain why this reason will generate high and sustainable returns in this country
- Provide at least one example and one graph or data about this reason
3 Reasons not to invest in this country
- Economic risk reason 1 (3 marks)
- 3 to 6 sentences
- Explain why this risk may not lead to high and sustainable returns in this country
- Provide at least one example and one graph or data about this reason
- Other risk reason 2 (3 marks)
- 3 to 6 sentences
- Explain why this risk may not lead to high and sustainable returns in this country
- Provide at least one example and one graph or data about this reason
- Other risk reason 3 (3 marks)
- 3 to 6 sentences
- Explain why this risk may not lead to high and sustainable returns in this country
- Provide at least one example and one graph or data about this reason
- Conclusion (2 marks)
- 3 to 5 sentences
- Summarise the reasons for and against investing in this country
- Overall statement about your support of investing in this country
Chart Pack Graphs on the Australian Economy and Financial Markets
World Economic Outlook (April 2020) – Real GDP growth Global economy, world economy
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