Recruitment and hiring of law enforcement officers

part one

You are the Deputy Chief of Police for a 500 member department of a city that has a high crime rate in certain areas and an extremely low crime rate in other areas of the city.  There are racial tensions between the police department and members of the community.  The Chief has asked for your input to adopt a community policing.  In your response back to the Chief (your main post), address the following questions:

  • What are the first steps that the leadership of the Department should take to adopt community policing?
  • What are the three biggest obstacles the Chief will face when implementing community policing initiatives in the Department?
  • How can leadership overcome those obstacles?
  • What concerns with regards to the budget should the Chief focus on regarding adopting a community policing initiative?

part two

  • Our discussion this week will focus on the recruitment and hiring of law enforcement officers. Choose two of the areas below and provide your main post on the issues at hand. In your responses, try to select posts that have selected different issues than the ones you selected.Our discussion this week will focus on the recruitment and hiring of law enforcement officers.  Choose two of the areas below and provide your main post on the issues at hand. In your responses, try to select posts that have selected different issues than the ones you selected.

What are some of the current challenges in recruiting candidates for a law enforcement career?

What can agencies do to attract suitable candidates?

How can law enforcement agencies recruit candidates in order to provide a diverse department that is more reflective of the community it serves?

Provides some pros and cons of requiring law enforcement officers to have a college degree


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