The relationship between working and long-term memory

1. For what kinds of learners and learning is speed of learning more important than depth of learning and vice versa? Why? What are the most significant tradeoffs when balancing learning speed against learning depth? Why? 370 words, APA 7 format, 2 peer-review journal articles references

2. What are the primary differences in the learning process between learning to read English, learning to write grammatically in English, and describing newly learned skills using English writing? Why are these differences significant? How might these differences affect instruction? 370 words, APA 7 format, 2 peer-review journal articles references

3. In the relationship between working and long-term memory, does one depend on the other? Why or why not? Can each provide input to the other? Why or why not? What asymmetries, if any, exist in this relationship? Why? How might instruction be different if one or the other is the primary goal of an instructional process? Why? 370 words, APA 7 format, 2 peer-review journal articles references


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