“Individualism vs. Communism”

Style APA
Number of words 356
Number of sources 0
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0


After reading the articles by Emmanuel Levy and Christopher Lindsay, reflect on the following questions. You will answer the same questions for both articles.

1. What is the thesis of Emmanuel Levy’s article, “Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956): Political Allegory”? You may pull a line from the article itself or create your own thesis based on your interpretation of the article.

2. Now that you’ve identified the thesis, what is some of the evidence Levy provides to support this thesis?

3. What is the thesis of Christopher Lindsay’s article, “Individualism vs. Communism: Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)”? You may pull a line from the article itself or create your own thesis based on your interpretation of the article.

4. Now that you’ve identified the thesis, what is some of the evidence Lindsay provides to support this thesis?


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