Request to an authoritative server

1. When does a domain name server send a request to an authoritative server, and when does it answer the request without sending to the authoritative server?

2. True or false: a multi-national company can choose to divide its domain name hierarchy in such a way that the company has a domain name server in Europe, one in Asia, and one in North America.

3. True or false: a DNS server can return a different IP address for a given name, depending on whether the lookup specifies email or web service. Explain

1. True or false: if a company moves its web server from computer x to computer y, the names of the two computers must change. Explain.

2. Search the Web to find out about iterative DNS lookup. Under what circumstances is iterative lookup used?

3. Does the IDNA standard require changes in DNS servers? in DNS clients? Explain.

4. How does XML allow an application to specify fields such as a name and address?


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